Welcome to You’re Probably Getting Screwed, a weekly newsletter and video series from J.D. Scholten and Justin Stofferahn about the Second Gilded Age and the ways economic concentration is putting politics and profits over working people.
Book Club!!!
Our first book is Austin Frerick’s Barons. This book came out in 2024 and has received a ton of good reviews and press, which you can read about here.
You can purchase the book at your local bookstore and many places online, including at the Greatest Store in the Universe.
Here’s my conversation with Austin Frerick:
Be sure to follow us on YouTube and Instagram!
If you have ideas on who to interview or what book should be the “book of the month” down the road, please let us know.
Standing Tall for All,
J.D. Scholten
A friend hooked my interest in the 2017 book Democracy in Chains by Historian Nancy MacLean. I haven't read it yet, but was quite impressed with the author's inclusion of 60 pages of footnotes and 20 pages of bibliography citations. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_in_Chains)
Interesting, with that said, I'm an old Boomer, and one thing that drives me crazy is fast talking young folks! Not so much what they say, but jesus! slow it down! My brain doesn't function fast enough for me to catch all the good stuff! I haven't yet read the book, butcertainly intend to find a copy and read it. The dairy business he talked about in Iowa, was what I consider the first collapse of industrialized agriculture. The hog industry will soon collapse as well because it is following the same model. I looked for a comparison to dairy earlier and discovered the canning industry in Iowa also followed the same model but lasted longer on;y because of war before it failed completely in Iowa. His remarks about bringing dairy back to Iowa because of the water shortage in the west, well we don't have excessive amounts of water here either that aren't fowled by nitrates and uncontroled manure being poured on the ground as fertilizer that ends up in the tile lines and straight into our surface water if it doesn't end up in our ground water wells. A state with 3 million people is out numbered by the manure generated by livestock that constitute over 75 million people none of which is treated!